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AWS SSO cred restore is a simple script to make it easier to use AWS Single Sign On credentials with tools that don't understand the sso entries in an AWS profile.

Let's imagine:

  1. You work with Terraform.

  2. Your company uses AWS SSO, and you use aws-sso-util to easily get temporary credentials for all accounts.

  3. Your terraform modules located in the private s3 bucket

  4. You make terraform init and got Error Failed to download module


It means that terraform trying to find aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in the ~/.aws/credentials file based on your profile but can't due to aws-sso-util won't add these credentials to this file.

You can use aws-sso-cred-restore to solve this problem. It will get temporary credentials and set them to ~/.aws/credentials


How to install


pip3 install aws-sso-cred-restore

From source

You can also install this tool manually from the GitHub

How to use

  1. Connect to the SSO through aws-sso-util

  2. Set right AWS profile for your terraform where your private modules located through asp

asp 124295726813_BOOK-PlatformManagement
  1. Run aws-sso-cred-restore
aws-sso-cred-restore --profile 124295726813_BOOK-PlatformManagement

NOTE: If you open the ~/.aws/credentials file, you will find the exported credentials.

aws_access_key_id = ABSDF2A34ESVEJSRU
aws_secret_access_key = JX/+iQqwquIhjwZ9ADi6rW9w2PqOTV864VQChzvR
aws_session_token = IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEPf//////////wEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIQDa...
  1. Run terraform init