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Client interface for the registry API. This includes regctl for a command line interface to manage registries.

How to install

From Binaries

Binaries are available on the releases page.

The latest release can be downloaded using curl (adjust "regctl" and "linux-amd64" for the desired command and your own platform):

curl -L > regctl
chmod 755 regctl
mv regctl /usr/local/bin/

How to use

  1. Login to your ECR (or another registry)

  2. Execute command



regctl image copy istio/pilot:1.12.1


  • Provides a client interface to interacting with registries.
  • Images may be inspected without pulling the layers, allowing quick access to the image manifest and configuration.
  • Tags may be listed for a repository.
  • Repositories may be listed from a registry (if supported).
  • Copying an image only pulls layers when needed, allowing images to be quickly retagged or promoted across repositories.
  • Multi-platform images are supported, allowing all platforms to be copied between registries.
  • Digest tags used by projects like sigstore/cosign are supported, allowing signature, attestation, and SBOM metadata to be copied with the image.
  • Digests may be queried for a tag without pulling the manifest.
  • Rate limits may be queried from the registry without pulling an image (useful for Docker Hub).
  • Images may be imported and exported to both OCI and Docker formatted tar files.
  • OCI Layout is supported for copying images to and from a local directory.
  • Delete APIs have been provided for tags, manifests, and blobs (the tag deletion will only delete a single tag even if multiple tags point to the same digest).
  • Registry logins are imported from docker when available
  • Self signed, insecure, and http-only registries are all supported.
  • Requests will retry and fall back to chunked uploads when network issues are encountered.